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Workshop 002 - Expectations

Edited: 07|02|10 - 09:15pm

Expectation of Expecting

When and where did expectation come? We come to expect things in life. I think most of us never stopped to analyze when we began expecting. I don't think any of us can even recite exactly who taught us our expectations. The entire expectation process is pure humanism. For example, growing up we come to expect birthday parties don't we? Why? Because [for many of us] our parents threw birthday parties for us each and every year. I suppose I should use proper perspective and describe my events in the first perspective. After all, these are MY expectations that I am referring to... not yours.

So, here lies my life's first Group Expectation Treatment (GET). I think the acronym is appropriate as well. LOL. And it's a doozy. 1) My birthday. 2) My birthday party. 3) My birthday cake. 4) My birthday friends. 5) My birthday presents. 6) AND, let's not forget my birthday money. Now that's SIX expectations just having to do with my birthday. But wait, there's more.

I was born DEC 20. My brother Ned was born 3 years earlier and 3 days later, on DEC 28. So, our birthdays were always celebrated "together". Now for me, there was no real extra prize for our celebrating birthdays on the same day with my brother, BUT... I could always EXPECT our party to be on the same day. So this would create expectation number 7. However, there still is a bonus expectation. Christmas is only 5 days after my birthday. This means that now I can expect gifts and money from the very same people who just gave me gifts and money merely 5 days ago on my birthday. This now makes for EIGHT birthday expectations and one Christmas expectation. So let's just chaulk up NINE for now. But wait, there's more! During the ages of 6 to 10, many of our relatives would GROUP my birthday and Christmas presents together (10th expectation) and give all of my presents to me ON MY BIRTHDAY. (11th expectation)

These wonderful arrangements began on my 1st birthday and continued through my 13th birthday. Then over time, relatives stopped participating in the, "Double Presents and Money" program. And that became my 12th expectation for I could expect them NOT to group my presents any more. But, lucky me, they still gave me either: A) a birthday gift or B) a Christmas gift. But, not both. So, this tallied up 14 birthday and Christmas expectations.

God bless her heart, my mother continued throwing birthday parties for all 3 of us boys throughout the majority of our adult lives. My last birthday party with my mother before her passing, I was 39 years old.

Okay. FOURTEEN expectations. Each having reference TO MY BIRTHDAY. And we wonder WHEN did we learn to expect? Or HOW did we learn to expect? Or how did it come to BE?
By the way B.E. stands for Birthday Expectations! HaHaHa

At this point, I am SURE that I could dissect each of these 14 expectations and find something interesting "in the life cycle of an expectation". My Gawwd, there IS a workshop all by itself.

But for the sake of this topic, my motive here is to examine my expectations and to determine how many of them will I remove from my list of Service And Maintenance Expectations (SAME).

Emotional Expectations

Now things really begin to become tricky to say the least. When somebody gives you a present, isn't it customary that you say, "Thank You"? Didn't we learn that expectation during the course of our parents teaching us manners? And same goes for meeting with friends and relatives who we haven't seen in years. Don't we shake hands more earnestly? Do we hug with more gusto?

For me, emotional expectations are a bit nefarious. My younger brother Willie is very outgoing and always handshakes and hugs all men, women and children he comes in contact with. But, somewhere along the line I grew a counter-expectation. Although, my brother hugging those female relatives may be the appropriate response to initially greeting those people, but in many instances I found the behavior to be inappropriate.

In many instances these so-called hugs were much more "affectionate" than what I call the "Aunt Judy Hug". And, I have witnessed "extra squeezing" and various "roaming hands" during these hugs. And, let's not forget man's most enjoyable hug... the "Enjoy That Cleavage" hug.

That's right. I don't feel it is appropriate to "affectionately hug" my sister-in-law, her sister, my aunt or her daughter, or my 2nd cousin who is really cute. To me, you hug your girlfriend or your wife that way. Not people you maybe see one time each year. I think it is taking advantage of the Hugging Appropriate Treaty (HAT). I am sure many people [like my younger brother] disagree with me about this. But, I am talking about EMOTIONAL EXPECTATIONS here. Now, when I hug a woman, younger than me and "up to my age" and when we hug and I feel her breasts pressing into my chest, I don't think about pine-cones stuffed with candies! Furthermore, I don't care who agrees or doesn't agree with me about this, I have witnessed these specific sexual behaviors. And somewhere down the road, many years ago, I decided that this behavior was inappropriate.

Now let's get to my expectation. Remember that I mentioned during the hug and feeling breasts wonderfully pressing against my chest? Well, for me, when I experience that, I can EXPECT to become instantly aroused. 1) I am a male, 2) I am a pig and 3) Tits are really nice. Let's go psycho and go off the deep edge here. If you're a boy or a man, you like tits. So let's get this hugging shit straight. Maybe other people only-think-about-hugging while hugging.


And to this day, this is why I will execute, "The One-Arm Hug" or perhaps "The Howdy-Lite Hug" which both have their own means of creating enough space between us so I don't have to engage with the tits. Now, if she is my girlfriend or my wife? Hey, enjoy the tits. Thank God even.

Recapping. When I hug girls & women younger than me and women my own age or even older than me (although rare)... for me, I can expect, that IF I engage with their tits, I can EXPECT that no matter what their affiliation is to me or my family, that Harry will enjoy the tits and from that experience will want more tits.

As for Willie, I have watched him year after year, hugging and groping women year round. Everybody is having fun and everybody knows they are crossing lines. But it's only hugging so it doesn't appear to cause much of a fuss right? Well, if you're dick is brain dead I suppose that statement would be true. But then again, there is another angle. They can enjoy the sexuality involved in the process and do the hush-hush and none be the wiser. WTF-ever.

This is inappropriate in my book. And no I am not a prude. On the contrary. God don't make men hornier than me. And, if He does, I don't want to know them. But, I do have self-control, I do know how to exercise that self-control, and I even have manners about hugging. Especially when it involves hugging tits! I don't say breasts because we're not trying to be nice while talking to someone here... For Crying Out Loud (FCOL) we're talking about tits! Jeez.

Now I realize this topic grew into a giant beanstalk rather quickly. But, I do believe that you can see my point and why I do feel the way I do when it comes to hugging the opposite sex. And, for me, especially if they are younger than me. Pa-Leeze... I am not saying that a woman's tits become "fair game" to Harry once we hug and Harry feels your tits press against him. What I AM saying is, I am a friggen normal man. So, if you hug me and press your tits again me, you can EXPECT ME to, "want more tits". Why would I not? H - E - L - L - O

In closing this expectation topic, let me also make it clear that this does not pave the way for me to easily hug-extra-tight with men. Sure, I enjoy a robust hug as much as the next guy, but hey, if you wanna squeeze all night, go get yourself some tits to hug. LOL.

Now I can expect any woman in AA to never hug me after reading this, but if they still choose to do so, might be an indication of elevated affection. LOL. Seriously, I truly don't believe what I just said. However, to some, it will apply and to others it won't create any difference.

And where I come from, standing together with a female person under Mistletoe means KISSING.
These are good hearty American values.

Expectations of Self

Here is where it all begins. Many of our expectations were taught to us during those "formative years". But, regardless, as an adult, I can use my brain to think ahead so that I can make better decisions about what expectations would be better-off altogether, forgotten about.

I do of course have expectation of myself. I am clear about what they are and when I invoke them. You have already learned first-hand how I feel about hugging tits. Let's move on.

In a very short period of time during my examination of my expectations, I have already experienced some magnificent encounters with Harry. I flip back and forth from 1st and 3rd perspectives when talking about myself. It is my expectation this makes for more interesting reading. And, this is an expectation that surely will not upset me if I come to find out this expectation is NOT met.

But there certainly are real expectations that matter. They count. They make a difference in your life. Taking inventory of your expectations alone can make a world of difference the next time you roll out of bed. Or at least I certainly think so.

Let's get specific. It's now 4:45 AM and I'm guessing it is around 50 degrees outside. This is 25 degrees colder than my mean comfortable temperature of 75F. Also, I prefer those temperatures to possess humidity around 80% such as Florida climate. It pleases my bones. When my bones are happy, then I have much less pain. Less pain equals more productivity which begets more creativity. Also, you can go out wearing shorts at 4 in the morning, to get the mail, just because you can! On the other hand, do I expect to feel terrible because I live in a cold, damp climate unlike Florida? No. But, the fact remains that regardless of my acclimating skills, warmer, humid climate will instantly have a profound effect upon me. It is not simply a matter of heat (as in temperature). And not all humidity is alike. Do not confuse California's 50% humidity with Florida's 50% humidity. Look at a World Atlas and pay special attention to the Equator!

We've already covered my expectations associated with hugging, so we can skip that one for now.

Self. Thanks to a very rigorous self-revealing workshop that I recently did, I had the pleasure of experiencing everything coming from that Pandora's Box. LOL. But, I also have been experiencing many instances of wonderful realizations. Let's get specific again.

I have realized that most of my expectations will lead to some form of displeasure or disappointment. Although I did know of this technology, I wasn't living it. I had been resting on my "Laurels" per se. At least in THIS category. LOL. But, I am also learning how some expectations are a part of life and they are appropriate. I simply must be aware of expectations that I implement and for what reason or for what purpose. And, what do I expect from my invoking them. Because, usually, my expectation will NOT be met. My expectation will be too difficult for anyone to live up to --- including me. I don't think there is an absolute here. Meaning, can I live completely without expectation? Yes, I know that I can. Right now? No, for I have yet to learn all that is required of me to live in that mode. After all, it is a mode. Expectations are like clutter around your home. You CAN live with clutter, but you are certainly better-off living without clutter. I believe expectations are very much the same. I will hang onto the ones that I need to hang onto and for as long as I need to hang onto them. As I examine them, identify them and understand my need for them in the first place, then and only then, can I make choices and decide to kick-them-to-the-curb. You see, to me, I don't see this as a good or bad thing. Bear in mind, my life is not exactly in shambles because of expectations. Have I recently experienced emotional pain because of my expectations? Yes, of course I have. And you can also bet, that even since that pain, I have already made adjustments to my expectation list.


I say this in jest to myself because in actuality, composing a list of all expectations and their details is surely not a light-duty project. And to save at least 1000 words, I can assure you that [elsewhere] I have groomed my list of expectations and have given careful consideration to "their threads" and where those threads lead TO. So, it is my expectation workshop where I utilize detail where necessary, continue to remain illuminated and to specifically and publicly discuss known expectations which have caused me and other people pain. Again, I have no expectation of fulfilling even my own venture here. I will certainly give my best in this workshop. However, keeping the topic in mind, the most important aspect of this workshop was my learning HOW to stop the expectation processes. There are so many of them running at the same time. For you computer people who use Windows, you may or may not know, that there are hundreds of background programs called "Services" that are running for various reasons to accomplish specific tasks. We humans are very much the same when it comes to our expectations. They are "services running in background" for once we create an expectation and execute its code, that expectation now runs in the background until it some-one or some-thing "force quits" a particular expectation.

Which brings me to now. I spent nearly 100 hours examining my expectations and my expectation "system". Mind you, 100 hours is not very much time to carefully examine many expectations and their details. But, then again, I do not have an expectation about how much time is appropriate to examine expectations! HaHaHa. Perhaps you understand the relevance.

Nor am I copping-out trying to save time. I am in my own recovery for the long-haul. If I must spend another 500 hours in self-examination to better understand my expectation system, then so be it, I will do that.

What I can say now, is I have shed new light on old materials. By illuminating my expectations I am able to see them "in a better light". Not to poke fun, but you cannot examine your expectations in bad light with any hope to resolving conflicts due to expectations that need to be terminated. I can personally attest to this being true. I suppose you can say perhaps it is true for me but not you. But just so you know, that is a crock of shit. I am human and you are human. And expectations can be a real bitch to sort out. Quite frankly, I feel that because I did a self-revealing workshop prior to my expectation workshop actually led me to experiencing both productive and enjoyable results.

Expectations That I Terminated

I have included Expectation Affirmations:

01 - Expecting my Father to telephone me or drive to my home.

02 - Expecting my natal family members to contact me about anything.

03 - Expecting my doctors to discover how to relieve my physical pains.

04 - Expecting myself to acclimate to California's climate.

05 - Expecting anyone to "fully" understand Harry.

06 - Expecting spiritual superiority to be a good thing.

07 - Expecting realizations to be a form of acceptance.

08 - Ridding of unessential expectations gives me freedom from my expectations.

09 - I don't expect to GET anything from Ned from my giving anything TO him.

10 - I DO expect to GET good things from my giving TO newcomers --- Working With Others (WWO).

11 - Having forgiven myself, items 06, 09 & 10 have become moot (even if only understanding).

12 - I DON'T expect others to see that THEIR progress is possible based on my workshops, for I know they cannot do THAT until AFTER they have done their own workshops --- and WWO.

13 - I DON'T expect Kathy to understand my real needs --- if she does, that is a bonus.

14 - I DON'T expect Kathy to forgive me, only with time will she understand why, which will lead to forgiveness and newfound freedoms for her.

15 - I DON'T expect Harry to compliment Kathy --- but rather Kathy deserves to EXPECT compliments from Harry.

16 - My expectations of others HIDES their value --- for then I cannot see nor can I realize their value TO ME.

Expectations of Others

This is an area that I will especially try to be specific. Having expectations of others immediately puts me at a disadvantage with everyone near or around me. I cannot communicate well with others when I have expectations of them. My expectations of others clouds my judgement of them. Having expectations of others does not allow me to experience who they really are. As stated earlier, having expectations of others HIDES THEIR VALUE. Everyone has value and their values cannot be appreciated when I expect them to meet and greet my criteria(s). It is ever so clear to me that simply expecting people to realize that Harry is smart is frivolous. When they realize, they will. What they realize, they will. My expecting them to realize is LESS THAN wishful-thinking.

I personally realize that much of my changing how I manage my expectations of others, is a process. But, invoking appropriate changes and removing non-essential expectations of others will benefit me and can and will be useful to others. For then, I will be experiencing them without expectation. And then, anything they do or say, shall be a new experience that I was not expecting. This is the mystery and magic of life. And experiencing life in this way, as much as possible, is absolutely essential to experiencing true happiness.

My Solutions

Some solutions have already [somewhat] revealed themselves during discussion. Still, I find it USEFUL to illustrate and outline specific solutions to specific challenges. This serves me well with a specific and outlined PLAN. This also provides insight and instruction to others who may be experiencing similar issues and they have yet to formulate their plan. Many times, it is during our sharing with others (SWO) when others experience realizations. These are key to the catalyst process. Meaning, without realization, there is no action to be taken, other than for us to remain in the light, minimize our chaos and allow ourselves to simply realize who we are, where we are, what we are doing and the way things are. Only then can we plan a method to achieve victory in our personal challenges.

Here are my personal solutions:

01 - When in doubt, make myself useful and helpful to others.

02 - Don't frivolously ask, "Should I be working with others?" But rather, "Who is the person I am working WITH".

03 - When I cannot do the math, use a calculator --- better yet, use a spreadsheet.

04 - When I find myself experiencing disappointment, immediately identify the expectation at fault and terminate it.

05 - When I say, "I am being honest" --- question that and utilize every resource to verify and validate.

06 - Knowing that I truly cannot be 100% rigorously honest --- I will be careful when verbalizing that.

07 - You can't give away what you don't already have --- Own every thing you have and give it all away.

08 - I will continue placing principles before personalities --- Reminding myself, my personality got me here.

09 - The mind is a powerful computer and requires rest --- When in doubt, seek reality by means of nature.

10 - My relationship with others will improve every time I respond to them --- rather than reacting to them.

11 - Notice every instance when my life feels simpler --- A clear sign that I am expecting less from others.

12 - When you think about how painful something might be --- Imagine the pain from doing NOTHING about it.

My Closing Thoughts

This workshop has surely brought me pleasure as I navigated through my notes and eventually typed all of my thoughts. Having done my self-revealing workshop before writing this expectation workshop, unquestionably was a major plus and I shall utilize this scheme in my future life strategies.

" There is a solution. Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of short-comings which the process requires for its successful consummation. But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it. When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pickup the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet. We have found much of Heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. "
— Alcoholic's Anonymous, Big Book, page 25

The above citation will be my favorite for a long time [if not] forever, because it clearly states the steps of our getting here and whom were eager to help us cope and to conquer all that we are powerless over in our lives.
— Harry J

Before I forget to verbalize it, I want to thank Dwight O. for his tireless dreams and energies which invented and made our MY online Thursday Group a reality. His desire to mentor a group of AA bloggers, publishing their personal workshops online and sharing them amongst their peers, was nothing less than a stellar idea. Dwight has truly engineered the technology of Working With Others. Watching the group's progress as a result of their participation with the Thursday group is exciting and rewarding. Many things in life don't get this much of my attention. But WOW... Again, I'm impressed with Dwight.
— Harry J

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